воскресенье, 1 марта 2020 г.


This album opened doors worldwide and in their first international tour took place. La Renga in Months later they decided to form a band, and thus La Renga was born. By the end of La Renga had appeared for the first time in a stadium before 20, people affirming the great pull of the band. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. los gardelitos discografia

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Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. During La Renga took it upon themselves to improve the profile of their music in the interior of Argentina, by touring and reaching a new audience.

los gardelitos discografia

Tete, Tanque and Chizzo. The theme is called "Galactic Cannibalism".

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. MataderosBuenos Aires CityArgentina.

LOS GARDELITOS | : Escucha Musica Online

La Renga for all this after having played a recital at the Autodromo de Bs As had a gig at a gardeiltos called "Actur" San Pedro 13 December a very hot day. Oos material may be challenged and removed. At the end ofunder the artistic production of Divididos ' singer Ricardo Mollo, Despedazado por Mil Partes is released and is presented in Buenos Aires with four performance of the complete album in Obras.

The Renga are, of January 20,touring. This tour also took them for the first time to Uruguay and later they were invited to appear in Spain. La Renga is a hard rock Argentine band, formed in The album was promoted with two dates in the Stage of Ferro and with concerts in the interior gardelihos Argentina.

The first cut of his next album began recording in mid In Bailando En Una Pata was released, which contains live versions of the songs of Esquivando Charcosaccompanied by the song that gives the name to the album, and a version of " Born to Be Wild " by Canadian group Steppenwolf.

Inand after much effort, they managed to completely sell out a concert at Arena Obras Sanitariasdemonstrating a great growth in the following of the band. This album opened doors worldwide and in their first international tour took place. They released their cover version in on the garddlitos La Esquina del Infinito.

los gardelitos discografia

Finally, on September 22, appeared the new album without title, discogeafia by the fans as "the album of the star" in reference to the white star that appears on the cover, which in less than one week became platinum. Because of personal problems, "Locura" Dilelio decided to leave the band. The band was formed by Chizzo lead vocals and rhythm guitarLocura lead guitarTete bass and Tanque drums.

The band began the search for a dicsografia, but didn't find anyone suitable, so Chizzo decided to become the band's lead guitarist.

Months later they decided to form a band, and thus La Renga yardelitos born. The show was filmed and was presented in small cinemas throughout the country, a few years later being published in DVD. This page was last edited on 29 Julyat In the year they reached the peak of their career: InTruenotierra was released.

Polygram being only in charge of the manufacture and distribution of discs. Retrieved from " https: On ,os 23,would provide a concert in the city of Jesus Maria in Argentina who introduce the topic entitled "Asphalt Pats Caricias de Afalto ".

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La Renga appeared in the impressive Hurricane Stage in two shows where they played songs from their entire repertoire, including the more recent and some songs that would appear on their next album.

The La Renga continue with a concert that was to be March 22 in the city of San Roque in Cordoba, the same was postponed by Chizzo suffered an accident with his motorcycle. The invitation to this concert was the image onto film which was a wrist with a metal plate and nails. Only the title was sung in English ; the remainder of the song was translated into Spanish.

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